This New Year, lets resolve to going green!

Its that time of the year again…

A new year brings with it a lot of happiness, hope and opportunities. With the holidays almost behind us, we set of on another journey striving to be happier, more successful, be better parents (or children), quit a few habits or start something new! While we are at the task of setting ourselves goals and targets that are intrinsic to our individuality, it is imperative that we also look around us and resolve to contribute to the community and the world at large.

Global warming is an area of growing concern and while most developed and developing nations are focusing their attention to address this challenge, we believe that this grave problem can only be addressed when each one of us contribute in our own small but significant ways.

So what are the things that we could do to reduce global warming? Here is a list of possible and effective ways to ensure that we contribute to the cause.

  1. Recycle – everything possible. Use products that can be easily recycled, reduce the use of disposables and ensure you reuse products as much as possible.
  2. Air Conditioning and Heating – Use ACs and heaters effectively. Reduce their use as much as possible through effectively insulating your houses against heat or cold and adopting alternate methods.
  3. Use LED – Adopt LED lights over CFL or other alternatives. Not only will this ensure a longer lifetime, the energy costs associated with LEDs are fairly lower.
  4. Save Fuel – Use your automobiles only when necessary. Reduce travel where possible or use more efficient ways like public transport or a bicycle. It keeps your expenses in check too!
  5. Switch off – Make a conscious effort to switch off lights, fans and other electric equipment’s when not in use. Make it a practice and you will see a dip in your bills as well.

Adopting a renewable source like Solar PV systems to power your energy needs will also ensure that you reduce your carbon footprint drastically. And with a return on investment in as low as 6 years, you will see the benefits soon.

We at CSK are moving ahead with a strong resolve to contribute to the cause by transforming as many homes, offices and industries to adopt renewable energy to power their needs. Join us, start small and make an impact!

Wishing all of you a Green & Happy 2017!

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